
Welcome to CLBI's IMPACT Team Jamiaca's blog. We will keep you informed about the goings on of our group and trip to the best of our abilities. Our team consists of Nathan Scrivens (Treasurer), Lisa Belau (Medic), Jesselyn Alexander (Logistics), Devon Stock (Chaplin) and Landon Wright (Fearless Leader). Thanks for taking time to read our blog and thanks for your support. Overall... Don't worry, be happy. :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Saturdays are lazy days

Hey there out there from way up here (our mountain abode). This is the guys giving you an update on what has happened in the past day. Yesterday was hectic to the max as we got up and headed back to Operation Restoration, this time to hang with the kids at the basic school (1-5). This group consisted of the cutest little kids you have ever seen and the next few hours were a blur of comments about us being white; ("Shiny Mon" was a common description for us) holding our hands, stroking our hair, and pulling us to the ground for piggyback rides and races. We were split up, the five of us, into different groups. One of us for each age group. I, Landon, took on the 4 year olds haha. It was absolutely nuts but i loved every minute of it. I got to help teach the class wherever I was needed. I was introduced as Uncle Landon (never been called that), the kids called me sir (never been called that either). After we stopped for lunch we headed out for a meeting again and discussed what we are planning for the camp. After some brainstorming we headed back to the school for an afternoon activity which takes place every friday. We played a bunch of different games varying from Uno to hide and seek to running for the sake of running (hard on us white people... especially in the sun) to the Jamaican version of checkers (called Jaff)which is easily better (Nathan is quite proud of beating a Jamaican at their own game haha).
At the end of the day, needless to say we were exhausted. It had been a full day so Robert and his crew decided to give us the evening off so we just watched a couple of movies along with some junk food. It was a good end to a busy day and a great start to a weekend.
Today was Saturday so we got up and made breakfast around 9:30 and hung out on our deck for a bit. Us guys decided that we were too white for life so we headed down to our pool in "our" country club and hit up the pool deck for some tanning and swimming. It was a very relaxing day and we ended it off with grabbing a cab and going down to the girls place for some dinner and Dutch Blitz (worst game ever).
Well this has been a relaxing day but I am about ready to crash so this is Landon saying farewell for the evening. Thanks for the prayers and God Bless
We heard about the blizzard in Alberta... we feel for you :P


  1. Glad to hear you're doing well. It doesn't surprise me that Nathan would be proud of beating a Jamaican at their own game. I hope the camping trip is a blast for all of you!

  2. To my dear neice, daughter of former area clergy, past guitar student, son of a 1978 CLBI team member and son of a retreat Prayer Partner: Thanks for the updates. You DO realize that all us snow-bound friends are warming up vicariously through you, don't you!? Love & paryers. Linda

  3. "Uncle" Landon??? Bahhahaaahhaaa! I love it! Sounds like you are having a great time experiencing life in a foreign land and we so appreciate all that you are doing... regardless of being the novelty 'white boys'! Stay SHINY!

    Lenore (Dan's mom) Shepherd
